Directions Newsletter
By the Numbers: International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHOT)
Toronto – May 14, 2013 – May 17th is recognised as the International Day against Homophobia (IDAHOT), which was established in 2004 to commemorate the World Health Organisation’s decision to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders.
52% – of Americans find homosexual relationships "morally acceptable". (Gallup Survey, May 2010)
Young Dutch LGBT people are up to five times as likely to attempt suicide as their heterosexual peers. (
91% – of Dutch people claim to accept homosexuality. (
48 % – of French people are in favour of adoption by same-sex couples. (French Center for Research on Lifestyles - CREDOC, July 2010)
11 – countries that recognize same sex marriage rights. (Wikipedia)
45% – of Americans favour marriage equality for same-sex couples. (Pew Research Center 2010) (Pink News Same-Sex Marriage USA)
76 – Countries in 2012 that prosecute people on ground of their sexual orientation – ILGA report on State sponsored Homophobia. (ILGA website)
5 – Countries in 2012 where homosexuality is subject to death penalty. (
In Canada, almost two thirds (64%) of LGBTQ students and 61% of students with LGBTQ parents reported that they feel unsafe at school. (EGALE 2011)
Only 53% of Canadians believe public schools are making students feel welcome and included, regardless of their sexual orientation. (IDAHO)