UFCW activists join Day of Pink movement to stop bullying
Toronto – April 10, 2013 – UFCW Canada activists across the country joined millions of Canadians today in making a stand against bullying, discrimination, homophobia and transphobia by supporting the Day of Pink movement in a number of fun and meaningful ways.
The Day of Pink began in 2007 as response to a gay student being bullied for wearing pink at his Nova Scotia high school. Witnessing the injustice, two courageous students intervened, and helped to create the movement by inspiring the entire school to wear pink shirts in solidarity.
Today, the Day of Pink is a global phenomenon, observed around the world.
“The International Day of Pink is a great opportunity for UFCW Canada members to join their communities in celebrating diversity while taking action to stop homophobic, transphobic and all forms of bullying,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley, who is a proud member of the Human Rights Trust Honorary Advisory Board for Equality For Gays and Lesbians Everywhere (Egale).
“When I wear my pink shirt on April 10, I think about those students who created hope, inspiration and understanding amidst the darkness of discrimination,” says UFCW Canada Local 1000A President Pearl Sawyer, pictured with Local 1000 activists supporting the Day of Pink. “I encourage you to keep their lesson close to your heart, about how each of us has a part to play in making our world a better place through compassion, understanding and collective action.”
To find out more about the Day of Pink and what you can do to stop bullying, discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia in our schools, workplaces and communities, visit www.dayofpink.org.