Members at Sollio Agriculture ratify new agreement – UFCW 1288P

Moncton, N.B. – January 10, 2025 – UFCW 1288P members working at Sollio Agriculture Atlantic have ratified a new collective agreement with major increases to wages, shift premiums and workplace allowances.
The two-year agreement includes a 2-year wage increase of 9.75 per cent, a jump in shift premiums, a new health benefits plan, meal, boot and clothing allowances, and changes to bereavement leave language.
Read more about the collective bargaining victory at Sollio Agriculture.
UFCW 1288P is a longstanding member of the UFCW Canada Eastern Provinces Council, which proudly serves thousands of union members working in various sectors across Atlantic Canada. To learn about the UFCW EPC and its outstanding work, visit the council’s website.
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