Young Workers get political at YIP Phase 2

Vancouver – October 28, 2024 – Young UFCW Canada activists from across the country recently gathered in British Columbia for Phase 2 of the renowned UFCW Canada’s Young Workers Internship Program (YIP).
Throughout the program, the activists focused on developing new skills and building solidarity. The 11 participants engaged in a variety of training activities, exploring different aspects of the labour movement, including labour communications and workplace organizing.
This year’s Phase 2 session focused heavily on political campaigns, providing participants with valuable hands-on experience during the recent B.C. election. Over the course of the week, attendees actively engaged in campaign activities, learning the intricacies of the election process and the importance of strategic outreach.
Participants developed essential skills in mobilizing support among young voters and learned effective techniques to drive youth voter turnout. By collaborating on real-world campaign efforts to help elect progressive, pro-worker candidates, they gained practical insights into the challenges and opportunities of engaging the youth demographic in the electoral process.
“I can say with certainty that having the opportunity to attend both phases of YIP has positively impacted not just me personally, but those in my professional life,” says UFCW 361W member Kayle Scoville. “I’ve taken new outlooks, strategies, and knowledge with me back to my workplace and have been able to not just share these things but implement new practices- even making other young workers interested in the program.”
The UFCW Canada Young Workers Internship Program (YIP) Phase 2 gives participants the experience of political campaign building and political lobbying. While Phase 1 of the program is focused primarily on in-class training and education, Phase 2 gives more hands-on experience throughout different facets of the labour movement. Follow UFCW Canada’s YIP on Instagram and Facebook.