2024 Young Workers Internship Program kicks off in Halifax

Halifax – May 13, 2024 – The latest season of the renowned UFCW Canada Young Workers Internship Program (YIP) recently kicked off in Halifax, drawing together passionate UFCW Canada activists from across the Maritimes for a week of dynamic worker-led training and movement building.
The UFCW Canada Young Workers Internship Program is one of the country’s premier training and education programs offered at the national level, bringing together young members seeking greater involvement within their union.
Throughout the week, members delved into diverse topics such as labour history, tracing the evolution of workers’ rights movements in Canada and drawing inspiration from past triumphs and challenges. Additionally, participants engaged in lively discussions on the pivotal role of unions in shaping societal dynamics and influencing political landscapes.
“The Young-Workers Internship Program is a great opportunity to learn alongside peers who share similar aspirations of striving to enhance their workplaces for the collective benefit of their fellow members,” says UFCW Canada Local 361 member Nathan MacLeod. “Engaging with fellow participants allowed me to gain valuable insights and perspectives on solving issues within my own workplace and broader community.”
The 2024 Young-Workers Internship Program will continue its cross-country tour with stops in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and Quebec.
Since its inception in 2000, The UFCW Canada Young-Workers Internship Program has served as a platform for connecting with young members on topics pertinent to both them and the broader labour movement. Stay updated with the program by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.