Directions Newsletter
Members at Coopérative Alina achieve new contract – UFCW 509
Quebec City – September 12, 2014 – Members of UFCW Local 509 members working at Coopérative Alina have achieved a new collective agreement.
Coop Alina is a health food store in Rimouski that specializes in natural and organic foods. Local 509 members at the store include clerks, cashiers, managers, health consultants, food consultants, naturopaths, natural health therapists, and herbalists. The location has been a UFCW Canada Local 509 unit since 2004. The latest collective agreement runs until 2017.
The new collective agreement provides incremental salary increases of 2.5% for every 900 hours worked. Workers who are over-scale will get annual increases of 2.5%.
Under the new agreement, the employer will contribute 18 cents per hour worked by each worker to the UFCW Quebec Dental Care Plan. Workers will now also get three weeks of vacation after four years of continuous service instead of five years. Furthermore, the collective agreement provides a bonus for members in the form of a lump sum based on company profits.
“UFCW Local 509 is pleased with the results of the Coop Alina negotiations”, said Local 509 President Daniel Nadeau. “The members’ ratification of the agreement shows the excellent work done by the negotiating committee!”