Message to Stelmach: YOU can end the Harvest of Death
After being asked by the premier to investigate the workplace death of farm worker Kevan Chandler in 2006, Justice Barley found that farm workers must be included in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to prevent future workplace injuries and deaths. To date, Stelmach has ignored that advice, and since then 13 more people have been killed on Alberta farms in work-related accidents. And since Kevan Chandler died at work on Father’s Day nearly four years ago, an additional 59 people have been killed in agriculture-related accidents. As the leader of a majority government, Ed Stelmach is the “decider.” He has the power to save lives with the stroke of a pen by granting basic health and safety rights to farm workers in Alberta – the same rights most of us already have. To learn more, and to send a message directly to the Alberta premier, please visit