Urgent action needed to defend union democracy in Nova Scotia

Halifax – October 1, 2014 – Right now, the Nova Scotia government is racing to strip the democratic rights of 24,000 healthcare workers in the province. The newly elected Liberal government has introduced Bill 1, which would take away the right of workers to choose which union should represent them.

That choice would be left to just one person. The workers would be cut out of the process, with no vote or choice to decide who should be their voice in bargaining and in the workplace.

If passed, Bill 1 will set a powerful and dangerous precedent. It is an outright attack on the democratic and labour rights of Nova Scotia healthcare workers. Who will be next?

The Liberals are attempting to ram Bill 1 through the legislature in a matter of days, but it is not law yet. It must be stopped. You can help.

Join the campaign to send a protest message to the government of Nova Scotia.  It takes just seconds. Just go HERE.